DIIA – Iberian and Ibero-American Dialogues
Coord: Ângela Fernandes
Created in 2008, cluster DIIA conducts in-depth research into the relationships between literatures in Portuguese and other Iberian languages produced in Europe and the Americas, especially since the 19th century, and delves into cultural and artistic interactions taking place in the Iberian and Ibero-American contexts. Having trans-lingual contacts as a point of departure, our research involves the identification, from a comparative point of view, of intra-Iberian as well as trans-Atlantic and trans-American dialogues, considering Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Basque, and Spanish-American literatures and cultures.
With the current intensification of political, economic, and cultural contacts in the Iberian and Ibero-american context, the critical reassessment of the history of these dialogues gains special relevance, namely facing the modern panorama of established and emerging nationalities. Moreover, the historical approach is improved when accompanied by a careful analysis of these geographical and symbolic spaces, and their permeable borders.
Admitting the central role played by literature and the other arts in defining cultural identities, cluster DIIA proposes several research paths, and takes as its main fields of analysis: the critical reading and translation of literary texts, the discourses on the similarities and differences between the various Iberian and Iberian-American literatures and cultures, and the thematization of identity issues in artworks and relevant cultural productions.
1) To deepen the theoretical discussion on Iberian Studies, considering the European and transatlantic dimension of Iberian cultures, and the connections between artistic, scientific and political discourses. Cf. Associated Project IStReS | Iberian Studies Reference Site (ulisboa.pt)
2) To develop comprehensive research on censorship systems in Iberian 20th and 21st century visual and performative arts.
3) To promote historical research and theoretical reflection on artistic and cultural production by women in the Iberian context.
4) To study Iberian literary and artistic dynamics by identifying and analyzing intra-Iberian translation phenomena. Cf. Associated Project IberTRANSLATIO, with cluster MOV and the Institut für Romanistik, University of Vienna.
Recent activities (2022-2024)
- Terceiro colóquio internacional IberTRANSLATIO - Tradução literária e identidade na Península Ibérica, org. DIIA & MOV em colaboração com o projecto LAIDA – Literatura e Identidad, da Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 18 e 19 de Abril de 2024. https://cecomp.letras.ulisboa.pt/eventos-detalhe.php?p=816
- Seminário internacional Uma tal falta de literatura: manifestações pós-iterárias nos espaços ibéricos, co-organização com o projecto Literatura&Cia: Canon, mediación y branding en los sistemas (pos)literarios ibéricos (Univ. Extremadura), FLUL, 23-24 Outubro 2023.
- Curso de formação creditado (CCPFC/ACC –119180/23) em elearning: O Cinema e a Literatura no Ensino-aprendizagem de ELE – Espanhol Língua Estrangeira, 2-26 Maio 2023. https://sites.google.com/view/cine-literatura-ensino-ele/p%C3%A1gina-inicial
- Conferência do escritor Aurelio Asiain, “El encuentro de Octavio Paz con la poesía de Fernando Pessoa”. Apoios: Embaixada do México em Lisboa & Casa da América Latina. FLUL, 4 Maio 2023.
- II Colóquio Internacional Imagens Interditas. Exílio, repressão e censura na criação artística no espaço ibérico, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 27-28 Abril 2023. https://congressoimagensinterditas.weebly.com/
- Conversa com a escritora Elia Barceló. Apoio: Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa. FLUL, 23 Março 2023.
- Conferência de Robert P. Newcomb (U. California – Davis), “Estrategias para inscribir Gibraltar en el mundo”, FLUL, 16 Março 2023.
- Colóquio internacional Ibéricas – Mulheres e mediação cultural no espaço peninsular, FLUL, 23-25 Novembro 2022.
- Second International IberTRANSLATIO Symposium: Writing and Translating within/ between Iberian Literatures, University of Vienna, 9-10 June 2022. https://ibertranslatio.univie.ac.at/.
2024. Gimeno Ugalde, Esther; Marta Pacheco Pinto & Ângela Fernandes (eds). Dossier "Translation, Publishing and Circulation in Contemporary Iberian Literatures”, Quaderns. Revista de traducció. Vol. 31. https://revistes.uab.cat/quaderns/issue/view/v31
2023. Gimeno Ugalde, Esther; Marta Pacheco Pinto & Ângela Fernandes (eds). Dossier “Writing and Translating within Iberian Literatures”, Rassegna iberística, Vol. 46, Num. 120. http://doi.org/10.30687/Ri/2037-6588/2023/21 | https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/riviste/rassegna-iberistica/2023/120/
2022. Morais, Ana Bela, Bruno Marques e Isabel Araújo Branco. Coord. Dossier: “Imagens Interditas: censura e criação artística no espaço ibérico contemporâneo” In Diálogos. Universidade Estadual do Maringá / Brasil, v. 26, n. 1 nº, pp. 1-176. https://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/Dialogos/issue/current
2022. Sáez Delgado, Antonio e Santiago Pérez Isasi. Iberian Interfaces. Literary and Cultural Relations between Spain and Portugal, 1870-1930. Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-91752-4#authorsandaffiliationsbook
2021. Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, Marta Pacheco Pinto & Ângela Fernandes, eds. Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/books/id/55064/
2019. “Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry” (número monográfico), International Journal of Iberian Studies, 31:1-2, Ângela Fernandes, Robert Patrick Newcomb e Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.).
2019. Perspectivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos. Cristina Martínez Tejero e Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.). Veneza: Ca’Foscari (Biblioteca Rassegna Iberística, n. 16).
2016. Los límites del Hispanismo. Nuevos métodos, nuevas fronteras, nuevos géneros , Santiago Pérez Isasi, et al. (eds.), Oxford: Peter Lang.
2014. ACT 29 – Literaturas e Culturas em Portugal e na América Hispânica – Novas Perspectivas em Diálogo. Magadalena López, et al. (eds.). V.N.Famalicão: Edições Húmus.
2013. ACT25. Catalunya, Catalunha. Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Fátima Fernandes da Silva e Francisco Serra Lopes (org.). V.N. Famalicão & Benicarló: Edições Húmus & Onada Edicions.
2013. Looking at Iberia: A Comparative European Perspective. Santiago Pérez Isasi e Ângela Fernandes (ed). Oxford: Peter Lang.
Ângela Fernandes
Ana Bela Morais
Elena Cordero Hoyo
Fátima Fernandes da Silva
Santiago Pérez Isasi
Sara Rodrigues de Sousa
Alberto Simões
Juan Álvarez Umbarila
Laura López Casado
Martina Altalef
Miguel Filipe Mochila
Alva Martínez Teixeiro
Ana Vera
Antonio Sáez Delgado
Cristina Martínez Tejero
Esther Gimeno Ugalde
Isabel Araújo Branco
Isabel Dâmaso Santos
José Pedro Sousa
María del Carmen Fondo
Montserrat Arre Marfull
Raquel Baltazar
Sion Serra-Lopes