P.I. Marta Pacheco Pinto
The MOV project assumes itself as a platform for interdisciplinary discussion about translation, understood either as a process and practice (resulting in testimonies or material traces) or a concept (particularly a metaphor) to describe spaces of intercultural dialogue and contact as well as to address the circulation of symbolical goods. Since 2017, its main goal has been to give voice and visibility to the protagonists (agents and mediators) involved in the translational phenomenon considering two complementary levels of analysis – the micro and macro-history of translation – and different kinds of discourse – both written and visual. Special focus is placed on translation as an infrastructure of circulation of bodies, objects, and ideas across times, spaces and genres, particularly in connection with the Portuguese cultural context. The project regularly organizes the roundtable TRT. Translators Reflect about Translation and the FlashMOV seminar, and it has available online a Portuguese bibliography of Translation Studies (TradBase).
- To give voice and visibility to the multiple protagonists (agents and mediators) involved in the translation process through the analysis not only of the translated items themselves but also of extratextual elements (paratexts, marginalia, materials supporting the translational task, etc.) as well as of the circulation paths of those items and their reception;
- To study translators’ workshop, ranging from translators’ working materials to translators’ discourses on translation;
- To (re)construct translators’ archives and accordingly re-conceptualize translators’ roles as translators and their translation praxis;
- To explore the metaphorical and figurative uses of the “translation” concept as insights into perceptions about the translator figure, role, and status;
- To analyse translators’ agency as intercultural mediation and their practices of accommodation, manipulation or reconfiguration of the foreign element in translation;
- To contribute to the microhistory of translators in Portugal.
Recent and planned activities
- FlashMOV
5th FlashMOV Seminar, “Vozes de Zara” [Voices of Zara]: selected readings and discussion guided by Andrea Ragusa, organized by Elisa Rossi (Livraria da Travessa, Lisbon).
4th FlashMOV seminar, “Making sense(s) in translation: primeiro estranha-se, depois entranha-se...”: selected readings and discussion by Joana Moura and Marta Pacheco Pinto.
3rd FlashMOV seminar, “O workshop do tradutor” [The translator workshop]: online event with presentation and discussion by Joana Moura and Marta Pacheco Pinto of selected images depicting the work environment of both flesh-and-blood and fictional translators, followed by a commentary by Claudia Fischer (CEComp, FLUL).
2nd FlashMOV seminar, “De olhos bem abertos… Tradução e performance” [Eyes wide open… Performing translation]: presentation of selected clips from different films, and discussion by Jeffrey Childs (Universidade Aberta/CEComp, FLUL) and Rita Bueno Maia (CECC, Universidade Católica Portuguesa).
1st FlashMOV seminar, “O tradutor sempre em pé... de página!” [The translator always on foot... note]: selected readings by Joana Moura and Marta Pacheco Pinto, commented by Alexandra Lopes (CECC, Universidade Católica Portuguesa).
- TRT. Translators Reflect on Translation (roundtable)
“Legendagem e linguagem inclusiva. Desafios na língua portuguesa" [Subtitling and inclusive language. Challenges for the Portuguese language]: Helena Cotovio & Marta Gama (org. Miguel Figueiredo, Anna Sciabbarrasi, & Elisa Zambon, FLUL).
“Tradução de literaturas distantes: desafios e proatividade dos tradutores” [Translating distant literatures: challenges and translators’ proactivity]: Hugo Maia, Teresa Swiatkiewicz, & Tiago Nabais (org. Telma Carvalho, FLUL).
“A tradução de literatura açoriana” [Translating literature from the Azores]: Francisco Fagundes, Emanuel Melo & Katharine Vaz (org. Dominique Faria, Zoom).
“Traduzir António Lobo Antunes” [Translating António Lobo Antunes]: Dominique Nédellec, Maralde Meyer-Minnemann & Maria Papadima (org. Marisa Mourinha, Zoom).
“O tradutor e a retradução: a ansiedade da influência?” [Translators and retranslation: the anxiety of influence?]: Helena Topa, Maria João Lourenço & Miguel Filipe Mochila (org. Marta Pacheco Pinto, Biblioteca Palácio Galveias, Lisbon).
“O Holocausto em tradução” [Translating the Holocaust]: Ernesto Rodrigues, João Barrento & Patricia Couto (org. Patricia Couto, FLUL).
“Traduzir narrativas hispânicas em Portugal: problemas e desafios” [Translating Hispanic narratives in Portugal: problems and challenges]: Cristina Almeida Ribeiro, Helena Pitta, Miguel Mochila & Tiago Sequeira (org. Ângela Fernandes, FLUL; in collaboration with the DIIA cluster, LOCUS group).
“O tradutor sempre em pé... de página!” [The translator always on foot... note]: Elisabete Sousa, Margarida Vale de Gato & Maria do Carmo Figueira (org. Joana Moura, Universidade Católica Portuguesa/CEComp, FLUL).
“Traduzir Jane Austen em Português” [Translating Jane Austen into Portuguese]: Ana Saragoça, Isabel Veríssimo, Jorge Vaz de Carvalho & Paulo Faria (org. Rita Bueno Maia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa).
“Être traducteur et auteur”: José Manuel Fajardo, Luísa Costa Gomes & Margarida Vale de Gato (org. Dominique Faria, FLUL).
“Diálogos poéticos entre Portugal e Itália: traduzir a poesia italiana em Portugal e traduzir a poesia portuguesa em Itália” [Poetical dialogues between Portugal and Italy: translating Italian poetry in Portugal and Portuguese poetry in Italy]: António Fournier, Vanessa Castagna & José Manuel de Vasconcelos (org. Serena Cacchioli, FLUL).
“Traduzir autores ‘pós-coloniais’ para português” [Translating “postcolonial” authors into Portuguese]: Maria João Lourenço, Teresa Cabral & Zia Soares (Teatro Griot) (org. João Ferreira Duarte, FLUL).
- Other scientific events
3rd International Symposium IberTRANSLATIO “Literary Translation and Identity in the Iberian Peninsula” (in collaboration with DIIA cluster – LOCUS group, the University of Vienna, and the University of the Basque Country), Bilbao.
Masterclass “Translation in Motion. Incorporating Translation into the Classroom” by Denise Kripper (Lake Forest College), FLUL.
2nd International Symposium IberTRANSLATIO “Writing and Translating within/between Iberian Literatures” (in collaboration with DIIA cluster – LOCUS group and the University of Vienna), Vienna.
Roundtable “Dramaturgia em tradução: do mundo para Cabo Verde” [Drama in Translation: From the World to Cape Verde], organized by Hélder Lopes at Academia Livre de Artes Integradas do Mindelo in Cabo Verde.
International conference “Translation as Reframing” (in collaboration with the University of the Azores), Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel.
1st International Symposium IberTRANSLATIO “Iberian and Translation Studies: Re-Defining Contact Zones” (in collaboration with DIIA cluster – LOCUS group and the University of Vienna), FLUL.
Co-organization of the lecture “TraCES: From Translation to Creation: Changes in Ethiopic Style and Lexicon from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages” by Alessandro Bausi (Univ. of Hamburg) (in collaboration with the TECOP project and the ORION cluster – LOCUS group and the Centre for History, FLUL).
1-day international symposium “Decentring Translation Studies in Portugal. Translating East Asia: Practices and Dialogues of Indirect Translation” (in collaboration with IndirecTrans 2, ULICES), FLUL.
International conference “Unexpected Intersections: Translation Studies and Genetic Criticism” (in collaboration with the Textualities project, MORPHE group), FLUL.
Interactive lecture “Afinal... o que é o design thinking?” [After all, what is design thinking?] by Rosário Durão (New Mexico Tech), FLUL.
- Training and open courses
Workshop about Translation, org. Dominique Faria (University of the Azores).
Training course “Narrativas de Tradução: metáforas e representações do tradutor” [Narratives of Translation: Metaphors and Representations of Translators] (CCPFC/ACC – 111475/21, 33 credit hours).
Open course “Narrativas de Tradução: o tradutor, a(s) sua(s) língua(s) e representações” [Narratives of Translation: Translators, their Language(s) and Representations].
- e-TRT Series
Dominique Faria and Ana Cristina Gil, org. 2023. Tradução e Identidade Insular. A circulação da literatura de autores açorianos e açoriano-descendentes entre os EUA. [Lisbon]: Centro de Estudos Comparatistas.
Serena Cacchioli, org. 2021. Diálogos Poéticos entre Portugal e Itália. Reflexões no limiar. [Lisbon]: Centro de Estudos Comparatistas.
Previous activities
MOV. Moving Bodies: Itineraries and Narrative in Translation (2014-2017)
Key publications
Marisa Mourinha and Marta Pacheco Pinto, org. 2023. O Irresistível Charme da Tradução... Uma antologia de histórias de tradutores. Lisbon: Documenta.
Marta Pacheco Pinto, João Ferreira Duarte, and Hélder Lopes, eds. 2022. Dedalus. Collectors of Worlds: Translators, History and Fiction No. 26.
Dominique Faria, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Joana Moura, eds. 2022. Reframing Translators, Translators as Reframers. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies. London and New York: Routledge.,
Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, eds. 2021. Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.,
Ariadne Nunes, Joana Moura, and Marta Pacheco Pinto, eds. 2021. Genetic Translation Studies: Conflict and Collaboration in Liminal Spaces. Bloomsbury Advances in Translation. London: Bloomsbury.,
Useful links
Bibliografia Portuguesa de Estudos de Tradução – TradBase
Full members
Marta Pacheco Pinto (IP/PI)
João Ferreira Duarte
Miguel Figueiredo
Patricia Couto
Members in training
Elisa Rossi
Seren Üstündag
Telma Carvalho
Dominique Faria