Seminários Interartes e Intermédia #1: Turkish Identity in European Prints


A edição de 2022/2023 dos Seminários Interartes & Intermédia, uma iniciativa do Grupo THELEME do Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (FLUL), será inaugurada no próximo dia 29 de Setembro (quinta-feira). 

Nesta sessão, que marcará o início do novo ano lectivo e o regresso dos Seminários Interartes & Intermédia, com uma nova comissão organizadora e a mesma periodicidade mensal de temporadas anteriores, contaremos com uma apresentação de Kenan Koçak, professor na Universidade de Erciyes (Turquia), sobre “Turkish Identity in European Prints” (resumo abaixo).

A sessão decorrerá em inglês e terá como respondente o investigador e professor Duarte Braga (CEComp-FLUL).

Local e hora: Sala B.112G (Biblioteca da FLUL); 15:00–16:30.

Ligação ZOOM.



In this paper, I study how the Turkish image is presented in Europe, focusing broadly on nineteenth-century British satirical prints. I divide my study into two periods. The first period starts with the conquest of Istanbul (Fall of Constantinople for Europeans) by the Ottomans in 1453 and ends with the Battle of Vienna in 1683, which the Ottomans lost. In this period, fear and hatred toward Turks dominated the European minds, which can also be seen in images created by European artists. The second period starts from the Battle of Vienna in 1683 to the gradual dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. This long period is exciting as we see Turkish costumes were very fashionable in Europe in the eighteenth century, whereas a century later, Ottomans became the sick man of Europe. Additionally, through the end of this period, we also see how modern Turkey is separated from the old Ottoman Empire. In conclusion, I argue that Turkish fear has not died in Europe, and if needed, it is resurrected for political reasons, as we saw in the Brexit campaign in the UK.