Inês Robalo completed her PhD in Comparative Studies (PhD-Comp) at the University of Lisbon in the scope of a programme in partnership with the University of Bologna and KU Leuven. As a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies she collaborates with the groups Aesthetics of Memory and Emotions and Reality and Imagination in the Arts. Since 2020 she has been working as a tutor in the field of German Studies at Universidade Aberta.
Areas of research
Comparative Literature
German Language Literature (XIX-XXI)
Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
Literature and Emotions
Theory of the novel
Selected publications
2022. Memories of Displacement: Migration, Identity and Emotion in the Era of Transculture. (co-org. Camila Seixas e Sousa, Fernanda Mota Alves, Gerd Hammer, Luísa Afonso Soares e Teresa Cadete). Edições Húmus.
2020. Limiares da Representação na obra de W.G. Sebald. Edições Húmus.
2019. “Accidents of Perception in George Eliot’s The Lifted Veil”. Mantua Humanistic Studies, 5, 85-100.
2018. Recensão. “Sabine Schülting. Dirt in Victorian Literature and Culture: Writing materiality, Routledge, 2016, pp.204”. Op.Cit. A Journal of Anglo-American Studies. 2nd series, no 7, 125-128.
2017.“Erinnerung und Performativität in W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz und Peter Eisenmans Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas“. In Vom Experiment zur Neuorientierung: Forschungswege der Germanistik im 21. Jahrhundert, Ana Maria Bernardo, Fernanda Mota Alves e Ana Maria Abrantes (Hg.), 93- 102. Berlin: Frank & Timme.