Maria Helena Marques Antunes has been a French lecturer at the Department of General and Romance Linguistics at Lisbon University’s School of Arts and Humanities since 2016, as well as being a researcher at the Centre for Comparative Studies. Since September 2019, she has been coordinator of PLE courses (level B – Independent User) at the Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa. She completed her PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies, in the field of Comparative Studies, with a thesis entitled Modalidades de interlocução na poesia peninsular e francesa do século XV (Dialogue Modalities in 15th century Peninsular and French poetry) (ULisboa, 2017). She is particularly interested in French and Iberian medieval literature and has continued her research into 15th century poetry. Maria Helena is part of the project ECHO: Poetry and Poets of the Cancioneiro Geral, regularly presenting results of her work, both at international congresses and in specialized publications. Recently, she has been working on issues related to the use of medieval literary texts in foreign language classes. This line of research has led her to assess how the adaptation and rewriting processes of these works may influence how young readers receive them.
Selected publications
2023 «Da difícil aquisição do conjuntivo versus indicativo por aprendentes portugueses e francófonos». Diacrítica, 36(2), 142–158.
2022 «Si fault de fain perir les innocens…». Carnets [Online], Deuxième série – 24.
2021 «Don et humanisme dans Réparer les vivants de Maylis de Kerangal». In Poétiques et pratiques du don. Sous la direction de Maria de Jesus Cabral et José Domingues de Almeida. Paris: Éditions Le Manuscrit, pp. 205-221. ISBN : 9782304052664
2020 «Christine de Pizan: Myths and Processes of Humanizing and Valuing Women». In Handbook of Research on Translating Myth and Reality in Women Imagery Across Disciplines. Edited by Roxana Ciolăneanu Roxana-Elisabeta Marinescu. Hershey PA: IGI Global, pp. 319-340.
2019a «Fernão Brandão, um poeta polifacetado». In Pragmática y metodologias para el estúdio de la poesia medieval. Editado por Josep Lluís Martos y Natalia A. Mangas. Alicante: Universitat d’Alacant, pp. 371-378.
2019b «Ludus et ironie dans Le Livre des Cent Ballades». In Petit éloge de l’ironie. Actes du colloque international Journée de la Francophonie, XXIVe édition, Iaşi, 29-30 mars 2019. Textes réunis par Félicia Dumas. Iaşi: Éditions Juminea, pp. 21-32.
2019c «‘Se comigo nom m’engano’: Duarte da Gama entre sátira y lirismo». In. Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico. Editado por Isabella Tomassetti, Roberta Alviti, Aviva Garribba, Massimo Marini y Debora Vaccari. San Millan de la Cogolla: Cilengua, pp. 1027-1036.
2018 «Poesia colectiva e círculos poéticos: o caso dos poetas 'acidentais'». In Arte poética e cortesania – O ‘Cancioneiro Geral’ revisitado. Coordenado por Ana Maria Machado, Hélio Alves, Luís Fardilha, Maria Graciete Silva Lisboa: Edições Colibri (Biblioteca - Estudos & Colóquios), pp. 237-247.
2016 «Compositio y argumentación en la poesía de Rui Moniz». Revista de Cancioneros Impresos y Manuscritos, 5, pp. 1-29.
2014 «La pregunta/respuesta filosófica y moral en la poesía cancioneril portuguesa». Svmma [en línea], 3, Primavera, pp.24-38. Doi: 10.1344/Svmma2014.3.3.