Murilo Guimarães

Project Legacies of Empire and Colonialism in Comparative Perspective - CITCOM

Ciência ID421E-3E3F-0FD8

Murilo Guimarães is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Comparative Studies. Graduated in Law at the Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, he holds Master and Phd Degrees on Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. His doctoral dissertation, approved in July 2022, is entitled “Neoliberalism, friendships and remembering - elections in a complex society in the Portuguese Alentejo”. In 2017, together with the EASA Mediterraneanist Network (MEDNET), he organized the workshop “Winds of change: Politics, Economy, Ethnicity and Mediterranean”. He is currently part of the project “Constellations of Memory: a multidirectional study of postcolonial migration and remembering”.

Areas of research

Political Anthropology
Rituals of remembering
Neoliberalism and social classes
Digital ethnography

Selected publications

Guimarães, M. (2017). Review of the book Managing Ambiguity: how clientelism, citizenship, and power shape personhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Čarna Brković, Social Anthropology, Vol. 27, Issue 04: 96.

Guimarães, M. (2015). "O Problema do Clientelismo em Contextos Locais Brasileiros: Reflexões sobre Negociações de Interesses entre Elites Políticas e Eleitores". In XII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro, Lisboa: Conlab. V. Único: 8669-8679.