Amândio Reis is a research fellow at the University of Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities, and editor-in-chief of Compendium: Journal of Comparative Studies. He completed his PhD in 2020 at the U. Lisbon (PhDCOMP) in partnership with the U. Bologna (Italy) and KU Leuven (Belgium), with a fellowship from the FCT. He currently coordinates the research group THELEME–Interarts & Intermedia Studies, at the Centre for Comparative Studies, also collaborating in the scientific and editorial project C&WL – Comparative and World Literature. He was a visiting research assistant at Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (2018) and is a teaching assistant at U. Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities since 2015. His research is situated at the intersection of narrative studies and comparative literature, focusing mostly on the short story in connection with other genres of short form literature, from the Fin de Siècle to the modernist period.
Areas of research
Comparative Literature
Lusophone Studies
Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
Short Fiction
Interarts Studies
Selected publications
2022. “Pessoa and Personification: The Early Stories in English”. Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies N.º 22 (Brown University).
2022. Short Stories, Knowledge and the Supernatural: Machado de Assis, Henry James and Guy de Maupassant. London: Palgrave.
2021. “A fada dos olhos grandes: Proporção Inversa nos ‘Fragmentos’ de Almada Negreiros”. Microtextualidades — Revista internacional de microrrelato y minificción, vol. 1, n.º 9 (U. San Pablo CEU).
2021. “Então Eu, o Tigre: Clarice Lispector e o Animal Autobiográfico”. Revista Dobra — Literatura, Arte, Design N.º 7 (1-12).
2018. “Collecting Henry James: From Ghost Stories to Ghost Texts”. Journal of the Short Story in English N.º 71 (57-75).