CFP — P’ARTE: recolhas poéticas #4 — Sympathy for the Grave
Submission deadline: 30 June 2023
The fourth edition of the fanzine P'ARTE: recolhas poéticas will be a special issue organized by guest editors Alexis F. Viegas and Patrícia Sá. It will also feature the partnership of Fábrica do Terror. For the first time, the fanzine will be open to more than just poetry, including works of prose (short story or flash fiction), as well as illustration and photography. This issue's theme concerns the concept of “taphophilia”, or the passion for/attraction towards cemeteries, funeral rites, and death rituals.
The American Psychology Association’s Dictionary of Psychology defines taphophilia as “a morbid attraction to cemeteries”. Can a place that rouses terror really fascinate? Julia Kristeva argues that such a seemingly paradoxical condition is precisely what defines the abject, and, as such, the current issue will focus on the way art may not only recreate images of the grave, but also convey the many complex feelings such a place can inspire. What can the art of the living tell us about death? How can one depict a non-living state? How may a place be transformed by death’s presence? What kinds of cemeteries (literal and metaphorical) might exist?
Inspired by the famous song "Sympathy for the Devil", by the Rolling Stones, this issue will be entitled Sympathy for the Grave. As such, we invite you to send us poems, prose texts, illustrations, and/or photographs concerning this ‘sympathy for the grave’. Artworks must be submitted by June 30th, 2023.
For further information and submissions, please contact the editors through the following e-mail: You may find further details on this call here.