Bruno Góis is a researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies, currently part of the research team for the project “Constellations of Memory: a multidirectional study of postcolonial migration and remembering” (CEComp FL/ULisboa, ICS/ULisboa). He has a degree (2008), a Master's degree in International Relations (2012) from ISCSP, and holds a PhD degree for the thesis in Anthropology “Portuguese Returnees from Angola: trajectories and memories with class, gender and 'race'” (University of Lisbon doctoral program, ICS/ISCSP, in collaboration with CEComp).
He was one of the coordinators of the book Retornar, Traços de Memória do Fim do Império (Edições 70, 2017). He participated as a researcher in the project “Narratives of loss, war and trauma: Portuguese cultural memory and the end of empire” (CEC-FL/UL, 2015-2016), was part of the scientific committee of the exhibition Retornar - Traços de Memória (EGEAC, patent at Galeria Av. Da Índia – Lisbon between 4/11/2015 and 29/02/2016), was a research fellow for the project “Portuguese Colonial Empire and Urban Popular Culture: comparing visions from the metropolis and the colonies 1945-1974” at the Institute of Social Sciences (2016-2019), where he participates in the Research Group Diversities: Ethnographies in the Contemporary World.
Areas of research
Portugal and Portuguese Empire;
Gender, class and “race”;
Colonialism and Postcolonialism;
Digital anthropology;
Imperialism and International Relations.
Selected publications
Peralta, E., B. Góis & J. Oliveira, org. 2017. Retornar: Traços de Memória do Fim do Império. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Góis, B. 2021. «“Percy Sledge in Angola”. Modernidade colonial e cultura popular urbana nas memórias online dos portugueses retornados de Luanda». In Cultura Popular e Império. As lutas pela conquista do consumo cultural em Portugal e nas suas colónias, org. Nuno Domingos. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.519-548.
Góis, B. 2022. «Connected colonial nostalgia: content and interactions of the Retornados e Refugiados de Angola Facebook group». In The Retornados from the Portuguese Colonies in Africa: History, Memory, and Narrative, org. Elsa Peralta. London e New York: Routledge, pp.284-304.
Peralta, E. & B. Góis. 2021. «Os Moinheiro da Caála: a micro-história de uma família madeirense na colonização, descolonização e retorno de Angola». Etnográfica 25: 47-72.
Peralta, E; M. Delaunay & B. Góis (2022). “Portuguese (Post-)Imperial Migrations: Race, Citizenship, and Labour”, Journal of Migration History 8: 404–431.